Mentorship, Capacity Building and Training

Conterra holds the strong view that their work must provide the opportunity for First Nations to build real world capacity instead of dependence on outside consultants.  Using a caucus approach and working side-by-side with First Nations clients at the negotiating table, Conterra has successfully fostered individual and organizational ability for communities to chart their own course.  For example:

  • Chris has designed and delivered numerous negotiation and mediation training modules on his own and through the Justice Institute of BC, always recognizing training needs to be practical not theoretical to have impact
  • John is a certified coach who has worked directly with individuals and organizations to achieve success in personal and organizational goals, as well as designing and delivering training modules within organizations
  • Matt has worked directly in First Nations administrative offices to mentor best practices related to financial management, and has coached, mentored and trained dozens of startups and entrepreneurs across a wide variety of sectors
  • Deb has worked directly with individuals and in First Nations to ensure that capacity building obligations and measures are in place for the stakeholders, as well as worked to secure funds for necessary capacity building.
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